Tips for creating your Vision Book...

Welcome to your future…you have already taken the first step.

Your Vision Book is not a game, scrapbook or a photo album…it is a powerful tool- one that can help you to create the life of your dreams. Your Vision Book is truly a book unlike any other… it is a sacred space, a place in which you can define your hopes, dreams and goals. The very act of clearly defining your dreams and goals will actually help you to achieve them, and visualization is an incredibly effective time proven technique. Your completed Vision Book will be your own personalized map of the future- a map of the life you desire. You are the author and this is your book…fill it with joy and possibilities.

In the following paragraphs, we will briefly explain the Law of Attraction and the importance of visualization. We will teach you how to create and use your Vision Book, and show you how to create an attractive book that will literally help you to attract what you want in your life.

Each Vision Book comes with a broad array of inspirational words, quotes and affirmations for you to choose from- simply choose the ones that speak to you. We have created Vision Book collections for adults, teens/young adults and kids- each with its’ own unique assortment of inspirational words and messages. You will create your own personal Vision Book by simply combining your chosen selection of words and phrases with photographs and images that best represent your goals and dreams. It’s that simple, it’s fun, and it’s empowering. Everything you need is pretty much right here- so just add dreams!

Before we get too far into the creation of your vision book, we would like to take a moment and explain just a little bit about the Law of Attraction and how it relates to all of this. By way of a very quick introduction…The Law of Attraction is a universal law that tells us “like attracts like." Whatever energy we put out there we always get back in one form or another. If we focus our thoughts and energy on negative things- we tend to get pretty negative results…but if we focus on the positive things and on the abundance in our lives, we tend to get back more positive results. So, your Vision Book essentially is a focus tool- and whatever we focus on expands. If you want to create an abundant, positive future, then that is what you need to be focused on… and since your mind works in pictures…visualization is an especially powerful technique.

So, keep your Vision Book positive. Fill it with words and images that evoke positive emotions and feelings for you…by doing so-you are actually programming yourself to receive it. The images you choose along with the words, quotes and affirmations you select will all work together in a powerful synergistic way to really help you physically manifest the future you desire. Since we know that we are always attracting something in to our lives…we might as well start creating and attracting things into our lives by choice instead of by default! Your vision book will help you do just that!

If you have already purchased your Vision Book, you might also want to take a few moments and read through the brochure that came with it- the brochure will give you a brief overview, and lay the groundwork for living in harmony with the Law of Attraction.

You must define your dreams in order to achieve them- so ask yourself…What do you really want your future to look like? What do you want more of in your life? What are your goals and desires in the different areas of your life? In the Key to Living the Law of Attraction book we will take you step by step through the process of clearly defining your purpose, and goals- and we certainly suggest that ideally you start by reading the book- but if you are anxious to simply begin creating your Vision Book, by all means, you can go ahead and start right now!

We do suggest that you consider what you want to create in all areas of your life…Think about (or make a list) of what you want to attract in your personal life, family, relationships, career or academic goals. Consider your home, your financial goals, recreation, travel and contribution. How about your goals for fitness and personal growth and development…what do you want more of in your life....Don’t feel like you need to decide exactly what you want for the rest of your entire life, but write down the things you would like to focus on for right now- for this year.

Start by opening up your Vision Book and spreading out the inspirational words, quotes and affirmations that we’ve provided. Look through them and choose the ones that speak to you personally, the ones that inspire you and best represent your chosen dreams and goals. Try working with around 20 word selections to start with…more than that will tend to become cluttered and you will lose the ability to really focus….be selective. There are blank templates for you to use if you want to create your own, too! Use the “date“ blank to document the creation date your Vision Book…you will be amazed at how quickly things start to happen- and you will want to have your book dated for that reason.

Now that you’ve chosen your words…you are ready to start defining your goals in pictures, photographs and visual images. You might want to include a picture of yourself in your book- if so, be sure to choose one that was taken in a happy moment- one that represents you in a joyful state of being. You’ll be surprised at just how many images you can fit on your book (a dozen or so will fit quite nicely,) but be selective and choose the ones that best represent your personal goals and dreams. You can use images from brochures, magazines, the Internet, or pictures you may already have that represent times, places or things you are grateful for and want to create more of in your life. If you choose to search for images via the Internet you might want to check out googles image search. There are literally millions of online pictures to choose from...and it’s really simple. For instance: if your dream is an ivy covered cottage near the beach…you can just do an image search along the lines of “ivy cottage beach,” and pull up dozens to choose from! It’s easy and exciting to find and choose the images that speak to you, and each image will represent so much more than words alone possibly could. Remember, your mind works in pictures- so choose only the images that really inspire you and make you feel good. It’s a good idea to mix and match the sizes of your pictures, and they always look best when printed on photo paper. Crop them and play with the sizes- have fun with it!

Spread out the words and images you’ve chosen, and see if you want to narrow your selections at all. Strive for focus and clarity- try to avoid a cluttered or chaotic look. The selections you have made should represent the goals and dreams you are focusing on right now. Some of the images you have chosen may cancel out the need for one of the words, quotes, or affirmations you selected…you can spread them out on your Vision Book and see if you want to change, delete or substitute anything. We like to group images together when the represent the same thing, for example: if you want travel and adventure in your future and you have chosen images from several exotic locations- you can group or overlap those images together in a cluster. So, group your images, narrow your focus and get a sense of how they will look spread out on your Vision Book! You might want to reprint some of your images to a larger or smaller size based on how you like the way they lay out.

You can also add any small items that have special meaning to you and inspire you! Our kid’s vision book come with feathers and jewels- and textural or dimensional objects like ticket stubs, a ribbon, shells or a sprig of lavender are not out of the question…be creative! You can also find fun things to add to your vision book at your local craft store in the scrapbooking aisle- but keep it simple and don’t go overboard….again- it’s all about focus!

Now that you’ve chosen all of your words and pictures…you are ready to assemble your Vision Book! One of the tips we would like to share with you is that the photos you’ve chosen always tend to look just a little more finished if you back them with a colored construction type paper – it gives them a visual “frame”, and makes for a polished overall look. You can also leave a white “photo” border around your images. If you like the idea of the colored backing just glue or adhere your photos to the colored backing and trim the finished piece leaving around 1/8” border of color showing. A paper cutter will give you nice square cuts, but scissors are just fine, too. Once your images are ready and you have decided where you want them- take the double sided tape tabs we have provided and use them to adhere your words and pictures to the linen boards of your Vision Book. You can usually reposition them quite easily if you decide to move them around. Cluster and arrange the images so that they make sense to you and look good. Remember- you are the author…so create a book that pleases you!

We suggest working with your Vision Book each day- you might want to keep it on the nightstand next to your bed so that it is the last thing you see at night and the first thing you see in the morning. These are the most powerful times to spend visualizing and really internalizing the words, thoughts and images you have chosen. Feel the emotions that your finished book evokes, and repeat the affirmations out loud if possible. You are literally shifting yourself and your energy to be a match for what you want to attract… See the future you desire, imagine how good it will feel and believe it is possible!

As time goes by and you achieve your goals and dreams, don’t remove them from your Vision Book! The dreams and goals that you have chosen, aspired to and accomplished are documented right there- a reminder of just how powerful you really are. Much like a time capsule- each year’s Vision Book will be a testament to all that you have achieved.

Parents- empower your children, and encourage their dreams. Help them to create Vision Books that inspire them and boost their self esteem. Make this an annual family tradition, and create your new Vision Book each year together. You will learn so much about them (and yourself) in the process. This is a chance to interact with them on a deeper level and learn of their personal hopes, and dreams.
You can create a future that is filled with purpose and passion- you can create the life you have dreamed of. The long and short of it is that you have to define your dreams in order to achieve them… and your Vision Book is a place to do just that.

This is a book unlike any other.
This is your future.
Dream Big!

Dream Big trademark and Dream Big Vision Books copyright 2008 D.D. Watkins. All rights reserved.